Sunday, February 1, 2009

Collector's Corner

Almost everyone I know, with just a few exceptions,
Spend a lot of time and money on their fun collections.
When I saw koalas as they visited our zoo,
I only bought one soft, stuffed one ---- was given number two.

That was when it happened: I became obsessed.
You cannot have just one or two --- you now want all the rest !
I bought some at flea markets, yard sales, and anywhere
You could find another cute soft koala bear.

There are many people who have collections, too....
My own mother had a lot of fishes that were blue.
She had cows of black-and-white. My friend had teddy-bears.
My hubby loved his antique cars, and drove them everywhere

As we traveled Europe, he drank a lot of beer.....
Couldn't bring the bottles home, but LABELS we have here.
License plates from many states and countries far and wide
Hang now in his big garage, and bring some subdued pride.

Then I bought a cookie-jar that looks just like a chicken:
Now at least a dozen roosters live in our old kitchen.
My childhood love of kitties pushed me in this direction:
I must have had a hundred in my very first collection.

Hubby has, throughout our home, a dozen old juke-boxes.
Playing Dorsey, or Glenn Miller --- how that music rocks us !
His most recent acquisition: stained glass lamps galore.
They take up a lot of space on tables and the floor.

But my biggest passion -- dolls made by Anna Lee --
Fits all big occasions observed by you and me:
Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and each day in-between --
July Fourth, Thanksgiving Day, and even Hallowe'en .

All hand-painted faces, adorable and sweet;
Costumes bring them all to life, from hats down to their feet.
I now have 200, or somewhere thereabout.
They're living in big boxes, and are crying to get out !

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